Monday, October 17, 2005

::alternate media::

I'm totally out of control with this decorating slash creating slash craft frenzy. I think it may be some of the a*mazing blogs I've been reading lately. I've planned out our master bedroom redo and put together this paper bag scrapbook/journal/photo album in 1.5 days.What's up with that?

Not really sure but I think it has a lot to do with escape. Like relaxing the brain kind of escape. Part of it too is that Rob's been watching a documentary for the last couple of nights and so I've been filling that time with creative whatevers. I find I crave it now. I was so NOT a creative/artsy person growing up. Now I'm finding I love working on something and having a finished product...something to show. I've always wanted to be one of those who gave handmade gifts for Christmas. Now I might be.

Luke is officially a no-napper. He hasn't napped for 3+ days but then konked out from 2.30-4 today. Only thing is, he then didn't go to bed until 11:15. So from now on I'll just have to keep him up the best I can during the day. Stay tuned for some inevitable melt-down stories.

Fantastic time with old friends Nick and Lorraine this weekend. Nick loaded Limewire and iTunes on our computer and Rob is in music heaven. It's all at his fingertips.


Blogger Sprinkles said...


I apologize for not sending this to you in a personal email, however I didnt see one posted.

I would like to pass along an invite to you to join The Cooking Cabal if it interests you. ( I think it will be a lot of fun for everyone.

Please drop me an email if you think it's something you'd like to participate in so I send you the Contributor's Invitation! My email is

Insanity Infusion

10:34 AM  
Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

Love the whole paperbag thing. those are awesome! I had a no-napper too. I had to instruct the nursery and pre schools not to allow her to nap when all the other kids did or she would be up all is wearing on a Mommy though, to have no break during the day.
Our Jada sleeps very well, thank goodness! Takes a nap and still sleeps straight through for 10+ hours at night. Yes!
Of course I don't have to deal with her when she's a terror if she misses a nap

11:23 AM  
Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Those are awesome! you are so good :) I want to try it.

and no naps suck --- I can't stand when that happesn. Double whammy -- no break and then a fussy kid :)

11:59 AM  
Blogger Sprinkles said...

I feel, and I mean REALLY feel, your no-nap pain. My little one has never been a great sleeper, and definately doesnt sleep the night through yet, but lately she's been very anti-nap. Today especially shes been an absolute bear - Im thinking it may have to do with some of her teeth that are coming in. All I know is I'm so thankful for coffee. And I gave her some Tylenol which seems to have helped since her behavior was so crazy I thought maybe she's wasn't feeling well.

Lord give us strength!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Those paperbag books are addicting! This one is really cool!

6:44 PM  
Blogger amberdusk said...

Wow you are ahead of the game girl! I just scrap as I go but you have the book ready for the pictures. Very cool.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Totally doing the coffee thing. Wow, you really have to tap into some super deep resevoirs.

8:46 PM  

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