Friday, October 14, 2005

::a place for cards::

I was going to attempt one of those amazing paper bag books that I've seen on Sarah and Sweet Honey Child's sites but got sidetracked and ended up with this decorated envelope for cards. (?) Can't see too well but it says "cards" on the front.

How the blank do you get a toddler to stay in a toddler bed after they're used to a crib. Luke's nap times have now turned into his battle-with-mom times and mom is getting little scrap time --eeeeekkk. Not that THAT's important but he's then pretty cranky for the rest of the afternoon. Flip side should be early nights to bed. Nope. Somehow it doesn't work out that way. Any pointers?


Blogger Sprinkles said...

My little one has always hated her crib from day one. When we decided that there just wasn't enough room any more for comfort in our bed, we put the crib mattress on the side of our bed. She easily adjusted to that - I had pillows flanking each side of the crib mattress. After she was well settled into that (couple weeks went by) we moved her into her own room foregoing the toddler bed altogether. We moved her into a twin bed only we just put the mattress on the floor and are saving the box spring and frame until she's bigger. We put the mattress up along the wall on one side and then bought a bed guard railing for the outter side. Now she loves having her own bed so well, that she refuses to sleep anywhere else. But as far as keeping her in there? Well, we've got those lovely handle doorknobs so she can reach up and open the door easily. So far it's just been a lot of me going back and forth from Mommy Time back into her bedroom and getting her resituated. We have a little box fan going in her room to add 'white noise' which does help drown out house noises that might interest her and lure her out from her room. When she's in a fit about not staying in her bed, we have the trust worthy Time Out to rely upon which she HATES. We give the warning, "If you don't lay down, you're going to get a time out." Usually that works because she hates time outs, but if she still resists laying down after the warning, up she goes to the 'special' time out corner where she stands for one minute. I explain to her why she's there again, leave out of sight for the one minute (one minute per age of child), then return after the minute's gone by, discuss why she was there again briefly, say sorry for the wrong doing, and then kiss and hug and go back to doing what we were doing - in this case it was nap time, so back to her bed we go. She crawls back into bed and lays down and usually goes right to sleep within five minutes - with me sitting there with her. Then I'm up and off doing my own thing.

And yes, the more tired they are, the worse off they seem to sleep later on...phooey on that.

Good luck!

3:17 PM  

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