Wednesday, October 26, 2005

::swahili on the inside::

To all my lovely, beautiful friends, new and old, who think I have it all together: Last night I sat down and made this list. (Yes, it does actually say "Keeping Sanity" at the top.)

Way Back Wednesday. Last week's assignment was "roadtrips" so I'll share some images of the open road with you...
This is one of Rob and I in San Antonio. Many roadtrips to up to San Antonio and Houston when we lived in Corpus. We craved a city with a cafe.

Luke had his physical assessment today. By far his strongest physical ability is kicking the ball. He showed his stuff and I was so proud. He was able also to lift each leg as the instructor lifted hers. Imitation. So that was encouraging. Although he did nothing else (run, jump, walk on the balance beam, walk up the stairs properly or throw the ball) the instructor said she was "really impressed" and that she sees real potential. I of course see real potential because he's my little guy and I believe in him 100 % however, I'm not sure how she could believe in him after what she saw today. I'm nervous that they're going to say he's not in need of physical therapy which would be ludicrous. I know I must relax. I'll be so happy to have this IEP meeting with the school district behind us. Tentative date: December 6.

Rob's single client visit today took him over 3 hours. The guy taught himself Swahili, Mandarin and 2 other languages (which I forget) in prison. He's currently reading Anna Karinina. Now that's using time wisely. Course, he's got a good deal of it I imagine.


Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Wow. I totally need to make a list. I am so far behind in so many things.

Love the photos. Especially the 2nd one :)

6:58 PM  
Blogger mo** said...

the photos are definitly beautiful!
Good luck with everything going on :)

9:36 AM  

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