::who's suffering withdrawals the most?::

I thought Rob had dismantled the computer and I wasn't going to be able to reach my blog-buddies (very sad) for a few days. After he went to work this morning I found that he had dragged the cord from the computer to the wall and the cable for the internet to another wall, with the computer sitting in the middle of a paint and paint equipment cluttered room, and had in fact not been able to be with out the computer as long as I. Alas, he is worse than even his geeky wife !! I am definately the computer nerd of the family but today, after that discovery...I don't feel quite as bad. So that's why I'm ...sitting at the computer in the middle of a paint cluttered room.
Lovely weekend all in all. Getting chilly and I love that. So ready to move on from the sticky summer. House in total chaos but I'm learning to live with that for a couple of days (all things, including clothes, tossed out of the master bedroom reeks havoc on the order of the home). I'm usually a neat (not necessarily clean) freak and can't function with things not in place. Wierd I know. Rob and I are opposites. He likes everything always dusted and sparkling. Don't get me wrong...that's good too but if I have a few minutes I'll more than likely be putting things away, picking things up off the floor (or jumping on the computer for a few minutes --bad mama).
I'm pretty good though I guess to the extent I'm never on the computer if the children or away/not in session. But my good friend pointed out to me once that's it's my escape. She's right of course.
But I'm not as addited as Rob. You know I love you baby.
Oh boy can I relate to computer addiction! I just have to check at LEAST once a day. I am getting better though. Maybe you and I could start a program... an online program for computer addiction! heehee
Anyway I can't wait to see the finished project!
Oh and Andy tends to be more like Rob where I don't have kids yet so I don't clean nearly as much as I should. Have a great week girly
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