Tuesday, November 08, 2005

::eternal hope::

The line between day and night has become a blur.
Days go by so much more quickly than before I had children.
I'm reminded that this life is temporal.
Each moment we are closer to eternity. Each mess cleaned, each tantrum endured is one moment closer to seeing the face so beautiful it will make us cry.
Every trial and heartache brings us closer to paradise forever.
Eternity with our loved ones.
Heaven sounds amazing to me.
How can having no-pain be anything but amazing?
What a magnificent place it must be.
Forever bliss.
I must find the balance between not wishing away this colorful exciting life and anticipating our splendid forever.
I believe completely and rest in the promise of eternal hope and glory.
Without this joy of faith to share with my children, how dreadful and empty for me this life would be.


Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

What a beautiful post. Love the picture of day and night blurring. To me that symbolizes this life and that beyond what we can see. I want with all my heart to practice living more and more in eternal places that can't be seen with human eyes. The glory and hope of Eternity...Christ Jesus

6:29 AM  
Blogger jac said...

That is quite a string of words
woven like web,
wisdom too,
Its lovely as a verse.

I just drifted in.

5:28 AM  

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