::rod fixed, hot, pop, bouncy, huggies, elvis, hugh, vital:::
- Rob fixed the downed curtain rod holder thingie. Whataguy.
- Stinkin hot what's the deal it's november 18 for pete's sake.
- Heartfelt call from my dear pop. "Call me anytime Gina Pie. I'm your daddy and you can always unload on me". I love you Dad. Thank you.
- Bouncy house on front lawn. Luke sweet and sweaty and hysterical.
- Family visit to Costco. Huggies, Oil of Oily moisturizer, Play Piano keyboard, guitar, microphone and stool (for 39!! what a deal) Christmas gift, turkey and other misc.
- Downloading some Elivis this evening from Limewire for CFMT (Carlin Family Music Time). Suspicious Minds for example.
- Looking forward to a little House with Hugh Laurie this evening from Netflix. Love him. One of my fav actors. Gotta see him in Black Adder.
- Glass of wine - debate about Old vs. New Testament with hubby. How can I convince him the Old is vital?
Bouncy house- How fun:) Luke must be loving his new house!
And you are a lucky girl to have a dad like yours. Very sweet of him to call you up to say I love you in his special way. Good luck with the argument on Old and New:)
Oh Ive seen that guitar and keyboard thingie at Costco...so COOL!! How fun!
Old vs New....hmmm, I think I'm with Rod on this one...:) although old is important...as a shadow of reality. Now as a photographer...think about shadows vs. substance. :)
Man I've got to get a costco membership... :)
Love your list! LOL about the Old vs New debate. I think our DH's think alike! I don't know how to email you (can't find link) but I'd love to tell you about some really cool events I learned about in Oak Glen. It is really a charming little place. Email me through my blog if you want a link.
"I come not to change the law, but to fulfill it."
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