Monday, November 07, 2005

::see how lovely::

So much catching up to be done with scrapping the children's books. I'm a bit obsessed. I have a slightly obsessive personality so I tend to be that way with everything I do.

Luke's clinic tomorrow. We must figure out his sleeping schedule crisis. Maybe they can help.
I won't bore you with that again but dead on our feet.

We found out today that Luke's developmental doc didn't actually write the diagnosis anywhere in his file. Without it we will have a hard time getting services from the Regional Center. Can't even contemplate something so horrible. Scary, scary thought.

Good day for Luke - wanted a protein bar I was eating so he made a sound and pointed at my mouth. That's communication folks. Then as he was finally winding down tonight (after 13 hours of being awake) I laid beside him like I typically do and sang to him. He touched the back of his hand to my mouth (something he's done a few times before) but then we actually had a giggle together. He was actually looking into my eyes and giggling with me.

Leila is now touching her toes.

Angel girl and angel boy.


Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Oh, very sweet. Glad there is some good news. What blessings!

11:22 AM  
Blogger Sprinkles said...

I've been swamped lately and have even more company coming day after tomorrow, but it was so nice to spend a bit of time catching up on the posts I've missed here. I adore your photoshop scrapbooking (would like to know your secrets actually!:))

It's those little special moments with our children that seem to warm our hearts the most. How fun to have shared a giggle. I think it's moments like those that we'll look back on when we're older and we'll remember how precious our children were when they were little.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Bek said...

i really enjoyed your blog - skimmed all the way down - i got here through angela/in bloom - God bless you and your family with His miraculous life-changing power. i actually just finished writing my son's "story" in the last 5 posts on my blog....

8:13 AM  

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