Send the ACLU a "Merry Christmas" card. And let's go really wild and say "Merry Christmas" to everyone we meet for the next 24 days. Let's not be politically-correct jellyfish. K?
Location: Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Dabbles in Argentine Tango, real estate investing,
gardening and cooking;
fancy is tickled by digital
scrapbooking, Greek Yogurt,
geraniums and shoes;
mission: to reach own
children's hearts, sow seeds
and shape them for eternity.
You made me laugh! Have a Merry Christmas!
great blog! Keep it up!
love this idea!!!
Merry Christmas.....i totally agree with you. but i try to be PI all year, not just around Christmas
Oh, I'm SO in..what a great idea:)
I see in your profile that you have read the atonment is the the one by Gordon Clark or is it a different one?
Atonement by Ian McEwan. Now I'm really onto The Corrections by Johnathan Franzen, also an excellent author. Have you read him?
I haven't checked out either of those authors but I'll have to give them a spin. Thanks for the heads up on them.
I prefer to say "Screw your christ."
That's fun!
Very classy badgod.
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