Thursday, December 01, 2005

::thank a soldier week::

Thank a soldier.

The big meeting (IEP) is Tuesday. We've met with the big attorney man who has been highly recommended and at whose name the school district is supposed to quake in their boots. Don't get me wrong, all who are just tuning in. I understand the dilemas of budget insufficiencies and governmental hindrance but sorry, not in the mood to let my child be shortchanged.

We've gotten all the evaluations together and we're just about set.

Luke's now in the tantrum stage. I had it pretty easy. He never had the "terrible twos". Looks however like I'll be seeing the terrible threes. Climbing on the bed, to the sink and up bookcases. RELENTLESSLY. No I mean, RELENTLESSLY. Like you could get him down 20+ times and he'd be right back up again. He is so focused on what he wants (bouncing on the bed, playing in water) that "no" and actually pulling him down are no barrier.

So imagine me with an infant in my arms constantly trying to reign in a 30 lb. child who will NEVER play with toys and is constantly, consistently, relentlessly climbing or running away.

Despite it, I love this little boy with all my heart of course.

He did well at the park yesterday. His soccer skills are amazing. He can "dribble" the ball back and forth from foot to foot and has unbelievable control. So this keeps him busy, gives him exercise and then he sleeps well. No napping still but 13 hour nights the past two. Oh how nice that's been.

Lovely chat with my Dad this morning. He called while having lunch at K&W in N.C.

I love my Dad.


Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

I'll be praying for your IEP well as your coping skills for a terrible 3. :)
If we didn't love em so much they would never live to see 21..:)

11:52 AM  
Blogger GClef1970 said...

Seriously. We need to compare notes. Luke sounds just like Conor. "Determined" is an understatement.
We have discovered that the ONLY discipline method that works for Conor is to confine him. He hates to be confined. So, I threaten that he will have to go to his "chair", which is his booster seat that has straps that he is not strong enough to unlatch. If the threat doesn't work, the 3 minute timeout in the chair usually does.

But, Conor is the same way: not so interested in toys or other children. More interested in climbing, taking things apart, lining up things in rows. We had to turn his dresser & changing table around in his room so he wouldn't climb them and kill himself.

Praying for patience for you.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Sprinkles said...

Best of luck at your IEP meeting!

Don't forget to bring paper of your own and document everything despite anyone else doing the same.

Insanity Infusion

3:26 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Thanks Maddox. Yep, I have the utmost regard for teachers. One of the toughest jobs. Some true heros. But the budget is the killer. Their hands are tied I know. That's why you've got to put up a fight. Not because they want to shortchange you -- but because you have to prove your child needs more than they offer. And as a parent you know your child way better than they. Thanks so much thought Maddox for your thoughtful comment.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Drea said...

Hi Gina thanks for the 411. I knew it already. I replied back to your comment.

Have a great day :-)

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! I will keep you and you little guy in my thoughts!

10:16 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

My kids had terrible threes- the twos were not so bad!

Hope all goes well with the school. My husband teaches 9th graders with learning disablities- don't be afraid to be the squeaky wheel, and I'll bet you get what you need.

12:25 PM  

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