Sunday, December 11, 2005

::without needing to do::

Conscentrating on mastering the art of sitting and being with my children. I've always got something floating in my brain to do, to change. Change Leila's outfit, those socks don't quite match. Pick up those 42 blocks Luke was playing with and on and on and on. How often do I just sit and enjoy? After having one child I should know how quickly it will go. Luke's almost three. That's insane. He was just born it seems. Time goes lighting fast after you have children doesn't it? Yikes. Somehow those physical changes just don't seem to matter as much though. I don't mind a few extra lines and varicose veins because I'm mama to two very special munchkins and to them it doesn't matter.

Part two of the IEP tomorrow at 8. The proposal will be made. We'll then know what we're up against.

Luke had a great day. He tapped my leg when I was cooking tonight. I turned around and he looked up at me with a big grin. I had been (quite animatedly) singing him some songs moments before and he wanted to continue the fun. Communication.

Luke's veeeerrrry close to being able to stab with a fork.

T___ H_____ has once again come through for us with flying colors. He wants to go over the proposal and consult with us on what exactly we should be asking for. It's his overall optimism and hope that are so inspiring.

I finished my LOs for the digital scrapbooking contest. I'm so not going to win. Not being self-sabbatoging but there are so much amazing talent out there. It was just fun to participate. I'd like to try each each and maybe get closer and closer to being one of the goodins.


Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

I'll be thinking of you for tomorrow's IEP...Luke sounds like he really keeps you busy. :) Please do try to enjoy the moments...they do so fly.
Also...what's with blogger these days??? I can't even see your new profile at all...hmmmm

5:34 AM  
Blogger Paula said...

I love your thoughts about just sitting still and being with your children instead of "doing." I've been thinking about that with God, too. I need to just BE with Him more, not rushing around DOING for Him.

Back to the children--this weekend three of them and I spent hours making gingerbread houses. It was so fun and quiet and joyful. *sigh* I need to take more time for stuff like this.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Doug E. said...


I can relate with you when you talked about trying to spend time with your children without a million other things going through your mind. This is something I do quite often, but some nights by God's grace I'm able to devote all my attention to them. What a blessing.


12:07 PM  
Blogger SuburbanMom said...

I totally hear ya on just sitting and hanging out with the kids. I played with Joe on the floor with tinker toys for like an hour this morning and it was just so relaxing.

1:01 PM  
Blogger GClef1970 said...

Isn't this so true?? I wonder if God gave us these special children as a way to force us to stop and spend time with them in their playtime? After all, once we start these programs and therapies, we'll have "play homework" to do with them. No lazy mothering for us, that's for sure!!!

I'll be praying for you this evening while you are hashing out Luke's IEP. God will be there, carrying you through it!! Don't forget that!

1:19 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Good luck with the contest! You are one of the goodins in my opinion.

Thanks for the reminder about enjoying the moment. The list is just so long. They do grow way to fast.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Thank you Cheryl.
I appreciate that Melissa.
You're sweet Sarah.
Thanks a million C.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Kimber said...

Gina...having four children of my own, I can so relate to the multi-tasking thing...even when I really should just be 'soaking' in those precious moments and not letting anything else distract me from savorying every single second!

I pray that tomorrow is flooded with GRACE upon GRACE!! (and every day for that matter :)....

The first time I stopped by your blog..I was 'taken' by your creativity when it comes to those amazing pictures of you and cutie are indeed one of the goodins!!! I pray God even surprises you with a blessing through being a part of the I know, I would vote for ya to win :)

God's Grace, Strength, and Love Be with you!

9:56 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

Gina: Thanks for stopping by my blog tonight and giving me words of encouragement. I read through some of your entries and was touched by your words. I, too, have a "special needs" kid - I know too well the agonies of the IEP's and administrators, etc. I'll come back to see how your meeting went - was it last night?

God's blessings. . .

7:56 PM  

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