Thursday, January 12, 2006


Rob left for England today. I miss him already and his plane hasn't yet touched ground. His mum's surgery will be Tuesday. It is one of those types of surgery where the doctors don't really know what to expect until they are actually in. She's been on chemo for a few months now. We're hopeful.

I've been reading a book called Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Dr. Amen which was recommended by Dr. Healey. We are wonderfully made. The brain is nothing short of a miracle. I can't imagine anyone studying the complexities of the human body and not believe in God.

I did really well with GWC today because dh was leaving to be gone for 10 days. That tends to make us a bit ready to compliment and not complain. But I've been really bad for the last few days. So maybe while he's gone I can make up for it. I'm going to surprise him and turn the garage into a workout/play room. That just might count as a RAK or two.


Blogger so i go said...

yes, that should count in a big way.. i'm gonna have to get my hands on this GWC... :-)

peace, jeff

10:40 AM  
Blogger Kimber said...

I am sorry your honey's mum is not well...we will pray that the surgery goes well on Tues...keep us posted :) I will pray that you hold up while he is gone too...lean on your 'visitor' is she is still there ;)

My week for the GWC wasn't very good...only around 60pts. - no complaining...he has just worked late, or we have had to go separate ways with different activities for the season has started....etc.

I'll be praying and thinking of ya!

4:30 PM  
Blogger Tidy Bowl said...

Science is so amazing. The more I study it, the more I wonder how anyone can possibly NOT believe in God. Then I'm reminded that I didn't believe in God for a long time. Crazy.

I'll be praying for your mother (mother in law?).

4:58 PM  
Blogger Camy Tang said...

I have been good about not nagging, but RAOK have been rather...uh...absent.


5:20 PM  
Blogger chksngr said...

Our bodies are wonderful things, are they not? Even with years and years of abuse or less than stellar care, they hold up and heal and do all the wonderful things they do...imagine if we took great care of them all the time!

Will send up prayers for your MIL and your DH for travelling mercies and your family there ticking along through this time!



6:19 AM  
Blogger suzspeaks said...

I hope he has a safe trip & that the surgery goes well. I will keep her in my prayers. Good luck with your "While You Were Out" Project! You should take before/after pictures!!

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know how you feel with DH gone for 10 days. mine has been for 6 months. i miss him sooo much. but God is good.

i pray that his mom will do just fine.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Radical One said...

praying for peace during this time with rob's mother. understand completely...david's dad is currently going thru test to diagnose either lung cancer or asbestosis. it's so hard to watch them (our hubby's) go thru this emotional pain and feel that we can't do anything to fix it.

hang in there for rob's return, just a few more days!


11:04 AM  
Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

I'll keep Rob's Mum in my prayers...let us know how she does...
Good luck with the garage. I spent last weekend conquering mine and I am so proud of it! You can actually walk through it and I know where every single thing is. :) Each family memeber has their own section of boxes. :) long will it last???

11:07 AM  
Blogger Bek said...

kinda losing track of points! but trying to do my best here...this has been so good for watching my mouth!

4:54 PM  
Blogger Radical One said...

just wanted to stop by and check in. still praying for you all. praying rob gets back safely and peace with the situation with his mom.


3:02 PM  

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