Monday, July 17, 2006

::rock harbor::

Layout using elements by the amazing Jessica Sprague.
Leila at 3 months.

We went here on Sunday. Not your grandma's church, I assure you.
But they are making a difference. Which might be cool to be a part of.

If you're into Liz, here's a sale.

Drinkable collagen?
I would say this qualifies as decidedly ungraceful. Yipes.

Even though everyone who has lived in our house since the 20s has done without AC somehow, I am unashamed to say it will be installed on July 27th . The portable AC is being relegated to the guest house (yes, after only a few weeks) as we gear up for the real thing, central. Temperatures of 95+ make you do crazy things. We're believing and hoping we'll see the return with the sale of the house. But even if we don't, it's better than all of us dying of heat exhaustion.

  • Learning about my camera. (Thinking perhaps after two years of saying, "I can't take photos worth a durn", it's time.);
  • Reading Mind Over Mood. Cognitive therapy.


Blogger Drea said...

I like all that scrap booking stuff :-) its so neat. Wish I had more time and money to devote to that!

That Church looks awesome.
My parents go to a huge church in Charlotte, NC called Forest Hills Church. Its pretty different from your average "baptist" church... but its really awesome.

Their childrens are is unreal though. You go in and you feel like your at a hospital or something... theres like a desk you have to sign in at... and get "cards" with a special code to unlock the doors to get your child! That way no intruders go in and no kids out.

only downfall to such large churches is you dont know many people each time you visit because it is so large.

3:55 AM  
Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

This church looks kinda cool, definitley different and trying to make a difference. Are you guys thinking of going? Lots of action, I would think. :)
Gotta have AC, Gotta have AC(in zombie voice)...that's me last week just before mine was installed...well I had downstairs...but need upstairs to sleep!

8:47 AM  
Blogger Kimber said...

YEA for AC...I don't know how anyone survives without it some days!! Even us Northerners need AC from time to time in the 95+ heat!

The church seems really coolio (stealing your word :)...did you like it??? Are you goin to go back??

Love the links and the layouts! You ROCK!!

9:27 AM  
Blogger Bek said...

aaaaaah yes, ac in this weather seems like a must.......i really don't know how i did without it growing up......of course i wasn't pregnant growing up......the collagen link is just crazy, the things we come up with....

9:33 AM  

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