Tuesday, February 06, 2007

::for grabs::

For just that moment...
his blond hair glistening in the morning sun,
his hand flapping wildly,
"autistic trait" tip toes,
his mouth a wide grin.
For just that moment...
despite all the talk of typical and
what life is supposed to be...
For just one moment...
his giggles, his grin...
his soaked jeans,
my soaked jeans...
The sound of the waves
The echo of his laughter...
tossing him above the water.
For just one moment...
my world was perfect.

I grabbed it and will never let go; which is uncharacteristic of me.
What moments did you grab today?

Okay, and then where is my daughter and who is this child that screams and throws her food (and bites me!?!) in public? So out of my depth here.


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