Friday, April 13, 2007

That's why they call it stain

So these are the chairs purchased for the grand plans I had...
My grand plans to purchase a new dining table to go with those chairs evaporated instantaneously with my dear husband's utterance: "I like the one we have now."
"The one," I'm thinking, "that same dining table which we bought seven years ago at an 'antique' store/thrift shop where laughter and 'sucker' was heard as we walked out the door?"
The very same.
Enter black stain.
So yesterday afternoon I was staining our antique/thrift shop table when Leila decides to let her fingers explore the top. At the same time she was donning the white sweater we had made a special trip to the mall that very morning to pick up.
What was Leila doing in a brand new white sweater hanging out around her table stainning mama?

Live and learn.

Just a couple from today.


Blogger LBA said...

Oh dear :(

Will you be able to save the sweater ?

Those chairs are GORGEOUS, by the way. Were they thrift/2nd hand also ?

And how else are we supposed to get things done if kids aren't always in the way ? It's either that, or sit around in a pristine vegetative state, not moving :)

Our latest saying is "STRONG" ( and he is, my God, he carried 6 litres of milk from the door to the kitchen this morning !!! ). "Strong boy help mummy". How can I refuse ? ;)

4:05 PM  
Blogger tommie said...

I love black furniture....

and it is a given one of my two would have been in there too....hence we paint in near nakedness now. Saves a ton of elbow grease and oxyclean!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Bek said...

eeek. :( sorry about the stain. what a light heart. "live and learn." :) and then able to post about it. ha! the pics of the kids are adorable as USUAL!!!!

6:39 PM  
Blogger Jada's Gigi said...

ACK!! on the staining of white sweaters!

8:56 AM  

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