Naps, Shade and Libraries
Five days of no naps means napping days are over. Doesn't it. Am I in denial?
Coinciding with her being able to crawl out of the crib.
I joined a Mom's Club a couple of months ago but wasn't able to really attend anything due to Luke's school schedule. Him riding the bus means Leila and I can mix with the living every once in a while. I met a sweet woman and her two boys and we've hit it off. I'll hopefully be in her MOPS group in the fall.
The second Autism Support Group (hereafter known as the ASG) meets tonight. We'll be starting a resource library because, out of our desperation and quest for answers of any kind, Rob and I have built up a sizeable one.
Too much blinding sunlight in the back yard has led me to think about this:
We've ordered two container lemon trees and hopefully they'll help a little with the shade.
And... mmmm... homegrown lemons.
Filling in the blanks of Luke's second year ...
Coinciding with her being able to crawl out of the crib.
I joined a Mom's Club a couple of months ago but wasn't able to really attend anything due to Luke's school schedule. Him riding the bus means Leila and I can mix with the living every once in a while. I met a sweet woman and her two boys and we've hit it off. I'll hopefully be in her MOPS group in the fall.
The second Autism Support Group (hereafter known as the ASG) meets tonight. We'll be starting a resource library because, out of our desperation and quest for answers of any kind, Rob and I have built up a sizeable one.
Too much blinding sunlight in the back yard has led me to think about this:
We've ordered two container lemon trees and hopefully they'll help a little with the shade.
And... mmmm... homegrown lemons.
Filling in the blanks of Luke's second year ...
love the backyard accessories...Now you and Lelia will get to mix with the for you
saw the pic of you in an earlier post...Lele looks just like you!!
PS..that no naps thing does mean earlier bedtimes ..usually..:)
I love that pic with the market umbrella - I love market umbrellas !!
And lemons !
I can't wait to plant out my backyard with fruit trees eventually :)
Don't give up so easily on naps! (my advice anyway)
Merci went through phases like that and would then start sleeping again.
is till implement quiet time foe her while E naps. Good for your sanity, ya know!
Merci still will take a nap if we insist and she is 7.
Keep making her lay down at the same time daily and tell her she needs to sleep and explain why.
But if she is going down way earlier that may be a plus too!
She is way too cute anyhow!
we are in the midst of no napping and she is only 2.5 On days she doesn't nap, she is in bed by that is one huge plus!
love the umbrella!
I'm all for MOPS groups and all that good stuff. Enjoy your new friendships.
Trying to pull myself back into the land of the living....
No naps...significant milestone...I have a friend who still does "quiet time" even though there is no "nap."
It apparantly requires that there be an hour of quiet time in one's room alone each afternoon...she and her daughter stay sane and liking one another that way...
Mom's groups...I have NO time for that...unless i can organize one hre in my cubby during lunch! HA!!! I hope you enjoy that!!!
We had a lemon tree when we lived in was SENSATIONAL...and you don't realize how much I miss it until I have to pay $1 each for really pathetic Florida Lemons!!!...One thing we learned the hard way - water, water, water...the more you water it, the better the fruit...
hmmmm, i dunno, i'd keep trying with naps.......sometimes my kids have gone in phases........and i get real insisty on them and they nap again......:)
So, if naps aren't happening then you start calling it "rest time". Mamas need it. Believe it! :-)
LOVE the scrapbooks of Luke. And, I have probably been under a rock but have never seen that quote about today and the present. ABSOLUTELY.LOVE.THAT.
Good for you re: ASG. I have found my own virtual ASG through various channels. :-)
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