Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflections Of The Way Things Used to Be

Good Bye 2008
I went through my 2008 calendar and these are some of my notes.
Gripping stuff!

Lifegroup Intensive
Princess Katie's Birthday party
Go to Costco and pick up Turbo Tax
Prepare Meal for Carol Tardif
Dr Ackerman
Nurture Luncheon
Take computer to Geek Squad
Marshall Reddick Investment Group
Autism Support Group Q and A
Dr. Kartzinel Appointment
Princess Ballet Class begins
Mom Coming -- hurrah!
Witchita property closing
Baby due -- name?
Visit Rob at office with Liam
Dr. Kartzinel
Mom leaving
Take thank you gifts to Nurture gals
Homeschool meeting - Exploring Homeschooling
Tracy's Birthday
Purchase Gift for Ang.
Fill out handicapped decal forms
Lisa's Birthday
Little Rock Property closing
Hot Air Balloon Rides
Picnic in the Park - Zoo entrance
Hyperbaric Center
Pioneer Park 10:00 am
Mom's Night Out - pool party
Summer Party - Clare
Fashion Island Coffee Break - Water Feature
Balboa Fun Zone
Lease to Tenant
Main Place Mall Fun Zone
Ice Cream at the Park Meetup
Start Leila's tennis
Raquel's house -- pool
Ventura weekend
Luke out of school two weeks
Air conditioning service
Luke - new glasses
Photography - review possibilities
Morrison Park art show
Clare's Birthday Party
Los Cab Join
Playdate with Tabi and Sophie
Movies with Donna
Liam's Ear Surgery
Photo shoot with Wirth girls
Rob on work retreat
Start Awana
Order tickets
CBS starts
Fall concert
Fancy Nancy Party
Start Advent
Potluck for Luke's classroom

See, you were on the edge of your seat.
Admit it.
Happy 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Belly and Laughs


Leila broke out in hives yesterday.
Allergic to penicillin.
At least it isn't chicken pox.
Like I thought.
We had a blast in the doctor's office together.
Waiting for the doctor.
She was dancing around.
Looking forward to her lollipop at the end of the visit.
So I wasn't too worried.

This picture has nothing to do with the above.
Just another one of Lucas that I left out yesterday.
Yes, we like that blue shirt on him.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I Have a Six Year Old

Happy Birthday, Lukie.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just a random favorites from our November excursion to the southeast.
It's amazing to think we were gone for a month.
It seemed like a few days in some ways.
My computer is dying.
I'm organizing like a banshee (an organized banshee).
My nesting instinct kicks in every January.

I get to go see Carole Joy Seid on the 10th of January.
If you homeschool, she's worth looking into.
Her motto: great books, great books and more great books.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Simons Shoot Deux

As I was continuing to edit from Sunday's shoot
I had to post this, my new favorite, one...

I just love the sweet little dreamy looks.
I took over 400 pictures so this is truly just a smidgen.
I'll probably end up with 35-45 winners.
It was so exciting for me to do this.
I've found something I love to do.
I do love it.
Thank you for indulging me and
being so kind.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Newport Beach with the Simons and Their Grands

The Best Neighbors On the Planet
asked me to photograph them
with their four beautiful grandchildren.
Here is a sampling...

I was honored to be a part of your photo shoot, Randy and Tracy.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I took Leila to a child's performance of the Nutcracker this morning.
Here she is with our tickets.

She couldn't believe I let her hold them on the way in.
I couldn't believe I let her hold them on the way in.
The version was only an introduction to the story.
Full symphony and child dancers but no set.

They handed out boosters for all the kids.
Wasn't that nice?
It was magically perfect for her.
And who needs Fritz and Clara when you can get a picture with an elf?
Harpists in the lobby after the performance.

One day she might appreciate the beauty of the symphony
and the graceful pirouettes of the dancers.
But today, for her,

it may have been more about the complimentary candy canes.

That's okay too.

Happy Christmas Memory Making
