It's getting easier to go to the park with all of my children together.
I actually went to the park on my own for the first time with all three on Monday.
That's right, the
first time.
Luke has always been a runner.
He just takes off.
You can see the potential danger there.
Especially when you have a baby in your arms.
If there are balloons or balls around it adds an even greater challenge.
Luke obsesses over them.
So we can not go to the park without a ball for Luke.
So he has his own.
But today we did have a couple of tantrums.
But I have grown a pretty thick skin when it comes to other people's looks.
No one has ever actually said anything mean.
They do see that Luke is a little (okay, a lot) different from other kids immediately.
And in a way, that helps.
No need to worry about what I'm going to say when they ask.
I've always adored and loved my little Lucas to bits.
Now I can say I
enjoy him.
Because I have changed.
I accept him completely and totally the way he is.
The way our omnipotent God made Him.
I wish I could have said this when He was younger.
But I couldn't.
Sadly, I didn't enjoy it when Luke was younger.
It was tough.
But it was me that needed to change.
Not him.
Rather, I needed to be changed.
I still have so far to go.
I was called for this mission.
And God didn't wait for me to be fully equipped.
It truly is a learning process.
But as I wait on Him...
and abide...
and rest...
wisdom and peace will come.
"God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy." - Rick Warren