I'm getting "zoom error" everytime I try to turn on my camera. It just beeps and the lens doesn't come out. Oh yes, also...it doesn't take pictures.
Which is key.
So it's off to the camera store first thing tomorrow.
To me, there are few things worse than getting lost on the southern California interstate system. There are few people better at getting lost than me. So, Mapquest + Laminate +Twine = my own personal naviagation system. Now I just need to remember to put them in the car.
Leila was up most of the night.
This is the situation. Both the kids are in the same room right now. Leila wakes up, Rob goes to get her immediately.
Now, the way I look at it, she'll go back to sleep.
Rob doesn't want her to wake Luke.
So instead he gets her and we take turns with her for the rest of the night rather than put her back in bed.
So I've been missing my work-outs in the morning since I'm too tired from staying up all night.
Would you leave her in there to fall back asleep?
What are your thoughts?
The way I see it, there is a lot to be said for Mommy getting her workout time (working off that stress) and not being a contankerous cow.
Leila is 18 months. Not a baby anymore.
Kind of a bone of contention this morning.
Now Rob insists we must buy a bigger house.
Not so easy in So. California.
Have you seen the prices here recently?
I don't want to have a mortgage payment at 75.
That's more text than I think has ever been in one post.
On a lighter note, what are you having for dinner? I'm looking for some fresh ideas. Maybe I'll go wonder around
here some.
I'm thrilled about