Thursday, July 26, 2007

Naps, Shade and Libraries

Five days of no naps means napping days are over. Doesn't it. Am I in denial?
Coinciding with her being able to crawl out of the crib.

I joined a Mom's Club a couple of months ago but wasn't able to really attend anything due to Luke's school schedule. Him riding the bus means Leila and I can mix with the living every once in a while. I met a sweet woman and her two boys and we've hit it off. I'll hopefully be in her MOPS group in the fall.

The second Autism Support Group (hereafter known as the ASG) meets tonight. We'll be starting a resource library because, out of our desperation and quest for answers of any kind, Rob and I have built up a sizeable one.

Too much blinding sunlight in the back yard has led me to think about this:

We've ordered two container lemon trees and hopefully they'll help a little with the shade.
And... mmmm... homegrown lemons.

Filling in the blanks of Luke's second year ...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Leila has my cheeks.

My dream neighbor sent over this scrumptious cake with two perfect lily's for Leila's birthday. (Not to mention two of the sweetest books ever.) We truly have the best neighbors in the world.

Speaking of cake, this takes it:
H&B - I think I've trumped your hairstyle!

Not fair I realize because I went back an era. I couldn't bring myself to post my perm mishaps.
And there were many. Aroma di Toni home perm permeating the house. Those were fun school morning's after.

But my bangs were nice and shiny here.

Post your senior picture on flickr. This is also h&b's influence.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Saturday Two and Tea

And, done...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Two Days From Two

Upon walking outside this evening Leila exclaims, "What a nice breeze!"

Dress: Thank you Angie!
A little colour for you.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Squeezed in a Beach Romp This Morning

UPDATE: Here is the new link for Silk Origami.

Happily forever with a ball.

The Beach Flamingo:

Really a nice weekend including gardening, pot roast Sunday dinner and breezy weather.
But it was so difficult for me though to put Luke on the bus yesterday morning. He's been riding in the afternoons and I know it makes sense for him to ride in the mornings too but there's something too "big boy" about it for me. I went onto the bus to make sure he was buckled in right, kissed him and as I was walking away I heard, "mama". I sobbed on the way back to the house. It's completely ridiculous really and I was over it by the time he was at school but sometimes it does seem like there is nothing about our Luke that turns out to be easy.

**********************Now For The Gripping Segment********************
Luke went potty in the potty for the fourth time!
*********************Gripping Segment Complete********************

Clavinova Dreams

Leila and I visited a piano store on Saturday. I played a little when I was small but always wished I was better. So since then, every time Leila has heard a piano she's recognized it and says, "Leila want to play piano?" So a little keyboard is on the2nd birthday list. (Actually, it IS the list.)

So here's the dream:

Here's the reality:

Apparently the best method of teaching is one of the parents practicing and then she will copy.
So that's the plan.

Currently whirring with things to do and dizzy with commitments.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Geranium Jumble Designs

  • Experimenting with the sprinkler ball.
  • Five families from our church so far have signed up for the Autism Support Group.
  • My first digital kit as a designer! Download and enjoy:

  • Luke's first day riding the bus to school is tomorrow. I'm more nervous than I thought I'd be although I know it will be good for him.
  • I'm way behind on my blog visiting. I'll be by soon!
  • Little Miss Long-Legs before cuddling up with mom for an episode of Gilmore Girls:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

She's Calling Him Brett

Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Rockin' Triple 7

Zooing it up today:

Cheryl thinks I rock! And she gave me the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award:

Isn't she the sweetest? Cheryl goes back with me as one of my first buddies in the blogging adventure. She's the awesome Gigi to her Jada Bear. She always has wisdom to share and I can count on Cheryl to leave encouragement for me almost daily. She really does rock. Love you Cheryl and thank you! Stay tuned...I'll be forwarding it along.

Meanwhile, fodder for my link fetish:
Fifteen uses for WD-40.
Never Feel Tired Again

Happy Little
(Thanks Mom. Love you.)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

She's enjoying it, really.

My intense Leila in the midst of the neighborhood children's parade...

And savoring her orange dream popsicle after.

The husband and I differ on family outings.
Generally, I tend to want to dive right in and take Luke to everything we can, despite his quirkiness.
Rob feels that it just isn't worth the effort.
I think we might as well get him used to things and practice dealing with the looks and questions.
For Rob, it's way too painful and emotionally disturbing.
So ultimately, what ends up happening is Leila and I tend to go on our own and Rob ends up staying home with Luke.
For me, it's more painful not to have Rob and Luke with us.

Upon our return our chef-friend Michael was working away in our kitchen putting together the most scrumptious apple-wood chip BBQ chicken, potatoes with goat-cheese stuffed zucchini flowers and this heirloom tomato Caprese salad. (Yes, our friend comes and cooks us meals --I think heavenly is the word you're looking for).

Monday, July 02, 2007

How Hot Is It?

Hot enough for
water balloons

a wide brimmed hat

and an ice cream smile.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A slight increase in pressure from my toes on to the gas pedal one fine spring day resulted in a monetary relinquishment of $221.00 for going five miles over the limit, a day in court, and an eight hour Saturday in traffic school. But I learned that if your vehicle catches on fire you should not pull into a gas station and that you should get everyone out of the car as quickly as possible.

So it was worth it.