Tuesday, September 26, 2006

For $2.99!
Fresh basil all the time. There's an actual high that comes with finding bargins like this:

There's definately a respect that has to come with using sharp knives (ouch). Despite the cuts, we're the happy owners of these.

Thanks sweetie.

My dear sister sent me this:

And you know how I feel about that! Very cool indeed and already used! yum.

Just hangin out and about.
Imagination Prompt Generator.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

::34 miscellaneous little things that make me smile now that I think about it: for my 34th::

  1. Eating grapes off the vine; the purple fingers it leaves you with.
  2. Recipe experiments that turn out great. A clean-plate approval by the family.
  3. Running to not get wet in the rain. Getting wet anyway.
  4. Personal mail in the mailbox. United States Parcel Service.
  5. Baked sweet potatoes with extra butter, cinnamon and brown sugar
  6. A fresh pedicure
  7. Water Fountains
  8. The fact that tattoos have become hip and groovy
  9. A shiny sink
  10. Mom's Lemon Meringue Pie
  11. Anticipating one of my children walking through the door
  12. Running a bubble bath
  13. A photo shoot with zero keepers:

14. Piggy back rides
15 . Cool, moss-covered trails; getting to the top
16. Face painted fans everywhere.

17. Old yearbooks
18. Knowing your colors.
19. Twinkly lights on a summer night, in the backyard with friends. (Nope, that's not mine.)

20. Browsing aimlessley through a bookstore.
21. Christmas-tree-glowing Christmas parties and Christmas music.
22. A conversation with a stranger; wondering about what their story is, as you walk away.
23. Public displays of affection
24. Gelato bars
25. Knowing your Dad would love the music you are hearing someplace
26. Learning to Tango
27. Tickle sessions
28. The smell of Tide

29. Prints and patterns
30. Learning something new in Photoshop
31. Vintage cars, sunglasses, purses and shoes.
32. Cold ice water with fresh lemon
33. The smell the rain leaves.
34. Cobblestone streets.

Friday, September 22, 2006

::made by humans::

Thursday, September 21, 2006

::apple eating, we take it very seriously around here::

  • Three birthday cards in the mail offset the yucky flu symptoms I found myself with yesterday. Sometimes your body says, "You're not going any further, stop right there." That's what mine did.
  • Rob was a real sweetheart and took care of both the children, made dinner for them and FOLDED THE CLOTHES! Triple bonus points!
  • I got my Mister Retro filters in the mail today. Yippee. I show you what they do later. Very fun.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

::word approximations::

  • Thank you my sweet friends for your precious words of encouragement. They're like refreshing rain to my soul.
  • Luke had a good day! He said "I wa" for "I want". He's made these approximations before but they haven't stuck. The hope is that they will come more and more frequently and then we can actually call them his words.
  • I heard from my dear long lost sister in law, Julie yesterday. I'm so tickled to be back in touch. She lives in England and since she and Rob's brother separated I was afraid I would not see her again. I missed you Jules!
  • We're gathering the mountain of documents needed for the refi on our rental and we'll be looking to purchase here really soon!
  • Excited about my nurture group tomorrow.
  • Cool desktop wallpaper can be found here. Thanks Drea.

Monday, September 18, 2006

::unlimited possibilites::

So my camera isn't as broken as I thought. It's still a little shell-shocked from the fall. (Pulled off a shelf from 5 feet onto the hardwood floor). It may never quite be the same but at least for now it's taking pictures and that's kind of what I'm mainly going for.

I was able to get a couple of my little man today after all.
About his hair, yes, eekk I know. I was experimenting. It will grow.

I wanted to clarify something I mentioned on my last post about Luke. Wendy commented so sweetly about how we should be planning to dance with our son's at their weddings rather than think about assisted-living. You know, we are considering a few shifts in planning but over all I plan on continuing to do every single smidgen of trying and praying that I can for Luke and I have every intention of seeing him be everything that any other three year old has the potential of becoming. I wanted to be clear that I am in no way giving up or even having doubts about Luke's potential. The brain is truly miraculous and his is absorbing and he is surprising us every single day.

There truly are depths of sadness and frustration that Rob and I face that I didn't know possible before Luke's diagnosis. The frustration of his quirks and delays and of not being able to go to birthday parties or preschool or of not hearing his voice are almost too much to bear some days. There are cycles and rollercoasters of emotion that change almost every twelve hours, from good day to bad day. But I truly believe through it all that there is a purpose and I know one day we will understand. Even when I am in the depths of despair I know that somehow, someway, it will be okay one day, whatever that means for Luke and us as his parents.

Whew, that was heavy. Sorry. Just wanted to get it out there 'cause I don't usually open up a whole bunch on this blog but felt the need after the last post.

Because my blog is also sort of a journal that I use to remember details I need to say also that Leila is now saying, "hat", "bye" with a wave, "cheese", "cup", "apa" (for apple) "six" and "ball".

Sunday, September 17, 2006

::knitted pumps and pirates::

  • I was a stinker to Rob on Friday so I decided to give my marital attitude a kick in the rear by picking this up again. Whatever your politics, for married women, this is a must. As women we have more power than we realize.
  • I'm not getting as many pictures of Luke as I'd like because he's always in therapy.
  • Rob and I had a serious heart to heart (sob session) about the very real possiblility of Luke needing long term care. We're thinking of slowing down his college fund and putting it into something more flexible. This was a really hard decision. Another reason why real estate investing works for us I think.
  • I found this fun cosmetic site via Anna.
  • Tuesday, September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day. Just sayin'.
  • Handcrafted goodies from all corners of the globe can be found here. Love this site.
  • How cool is that knitted pump? Would you wear it/them?
  • *&^%$#!! my camera is broken.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ninety-seven percent of America's millionaires became wealthy through real estate investing. NINETY-SEVEN percent!!
Something to chew on. Not that I want to be wealthy...okay, maybe I wouldn't mind. I see a better retirement, kid's weddings, maybe kid's first houses? I've always thought it might be pretty cool to hand Luke and Leila a house or downpayment just as they are starting out. How fun would that be?

The first "Nurture Mom's" group was this morning and I am thrilled with it. Luke was shadowed by his therapist Adela. Leila seemed to have a blast in her class.
Yummy breakfast, fun, intellegent conversation.
Devotionals from: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.
The mentor mom has a husband who didn't start walking with the Lord until 3 years ago, at 60.
The table leader has a 13 year old autistic son.
They are two very precious women whom I'm already in love with.
I almost cried twice. Once for each time these women spoke and gave their stories. I knew it wasn't chance that I was in that very place in time.
Do you believe God has a plan?
Do you believe His hand is in your life?
I do, and today it was clear He cares about me and leading me to those who have walked the road before me.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

::florentines, investments, cat-eyes and engagements::

Where do you hide your plunger?

Thank you for my sunglasses Auntie Angie. I love them.
  • Rob's been thinking again of investing in real estate (as I am continually imploring him). Thus he's sending me off to this real estate seminar tomorrow evening to get the details.
  • Leila said something that suspiciously sounded like, "bye bye, dada" as Rob was going out the door this morning.
  • Luke is pretending play with his toy car. This is huge for him. His non-compliance is also pretty high (gotta love the noodle legs and running in the OPPOSITE direction when you call). But while tiring, this is a good thing, meaning he has preferences and is establishing his boundaries.
  • Rob and I had a blast at his collegue's engagement party on Saturday night. Olga stayed with the children and apparently Luke was full of beans and gave her a run for the money.
  • Considering going to the neighborhood Wine Walk on Saturday and making Florentines to tote as my sweet offering. Will hubby agree to go? Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

  • It sank below 90 degrees for the first time in many weeks this afternoon so the kids and I headed to the park.
  • The concept of being the Mama - the one who makes my children's eyes light up -hit me today in all it's enormity. I had a flashback feeling. Have you ever had those? I remembered the feeling of waiting for my mom and then seeing her and I remembered the feeling of being so happy to see her as a child.
  • I cut Luke's hair too short. It's hard to get used to. At least it's cool and will grow out.
  • Online music on demand. Type any song and hear it.
  • Luke broke a pane in our window so at least a new window is a inevitability. Old houses are great but geez there's so much upkeep. One day though I think we'll realize it's worth it -- it could look really cool. Ah, one day...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

::including the bathroom sink::

I kind of like the way these turned out.
Mom, I stole your picture-of-kids-in-the-bath in the bathroom montage idea. I took picture of our bathroom sink (see above) and made brushes in photoshop to accent the photos. Then I printed 8x10's to Kinkos (for a whole .89 cents on laser paper) - picked up two fantastic silver frames for...2.97 each on clearance at Aaron Brothers. Don't you just love stumbling into a clearance sale when you need somthing? So now I'm on a super charge mission to frame photos which I'm insanely behind on.

I'm trying the Magical Leek Soup weekend which I read about in the French Women book. I love how it says, "for whenever hungry, have some of the leeks themselves..." as if somehow if you're only eating leek broth there is ANY chance your stomach won't be clawing at your throat. Looking forward to feeling cleaner and lighter a bit. I've been doing a little too much Giada experimentation recently (how cool is this though--a website for Giada fans)! For example, I made Banana Muffins with Mascarpone Cream Frosting for the...ahem...children. Delish.

Check out my Lemon and Basil eggs on Foccacia bread.
This was super easy but bursting with flavor and look how fun that presentation is. Wouldn't you love to carry that into a bruch on carry-in brekkie? Here's the recipe.

Rob and I signed up for a 7-week marriage class at our church which I'm really excited about. Starts September 27. Two days after my birthday!

Luke didn't have the best day. Lots of stims. Little connection. Tomorrow is another day. It may be a good one.

Rob is working hard this weekend to meet some work filing deadlines. The kiddies were my buddies today, "helping" me pick out a new mailbox and find out about ordering a new shutter.