So my camera isn't as broken as I thought. It's still a little shell-shocked from the fall. (Pulled off a shelf from 5 feet onto the hardwood floor). It may never quite be the same but at least for now it's taking pictures and that's kind of what I'm mainly going for.
I was able to get a couple of my little man today after all.
About his hair, yes, eekk I know. I was experimenting. It will grow.
I wanted to clarify something I mentioned on my last post about Luke. Wendy commented so sweetly about how we should be planning to dance with our son's at their weddings rather than think about assisted-living. You know, we are considering a few shifts in planning but over all I plan on continuing to do every single smidgen of trying and praying that I can for Luke and I have every intention of seeing him be everything that any other three year old has the potential of becoming. I wanted to be clear that I am in no way giving up or even having doubts about Luke's potential. The brain is truly miraculous and his is absorbing and he is surprising us every single day.
There truly are depths of sadness and frustration that Rob and I face that I didn't know possible before Luke's diagnosis. The frustration of his quirks and delays and of not being able to go to birthday parties or preschool or of not hearing his voice are almost too much to bear some days. There are cycles and rollercoasters of emotion that change almost every twelve hours, from good day to bad day. But I truly believe through it all that there is a purpose and I know one day we will understand. Even when I am in the depths of despair I know that somehow, someway, it will be okay one day, whatever that means for Luke and us as his parents.
Whew, that was heavy. Sorry. Just wanted to get it out there 'cause I don't usually open up a whole bunch on this blog but felt the need after the last post.
Because my blog is also sort of a journal that I use to remember details I need to say also that Leila is now saying, "hat", "bye" with a wave, "cheese", "cup", "apa" (for apple) "six" and "ball".