Monday, July 31, 2006

::cool elegant color comp::

Weekend bullets:
  • Found out how to never worry about bad hair days again and have instant artsy-crafty appeal at the same time:
  • Beautiful connecting moments with Luke. He put his hand on my cheek as if to say, "Mama, I'll be okay. " Looked into my eyes and smiled. An angel boy.
  • I was made aware, once again, of the value of life and those you love. My uncle had some heart complications and ultimately had to undergo part A of a two-part heart surgery. Thankfully, he is recovering well and it is anticipated that the second surgery won't be so bad. I was reminded how we are so completely reliant upon Christ for everything. For life. I was reminded again to cherish it the sweet conversation with my aunt and the strength she showed.
  • I'm waiting on new batteries for my camera. Meanwhile, I've seen the most photo opps ever with my kids. Of course. But they'll be more.
  • Found a new favorite photographer to emmulate.
  • You might as well know, I'm a FoodNetwork junkie. Giada De Laurentiis is my favorite. Saturday, for Rob and his friend Nick I made her Peas and Proscuitto, Chicken Saltimbocca, Spaghetti with Asparagus Smoked Mozzarella and Proscuitto . It turned out lovely with a chilled bottle of Shiraz. Compliments all around -- which is good.
  • I'm working on a kit with this photo as inspiration:
Just kinda liked the color composition. I'll show you the results.
  • Bought our tickets for the east coast. Leila and I will be flying out on the 9th for 2 weeks with my family in North Carolina. Really looking forward to a little R&R and of course, time with my family!

Friday, July 28, 2006

85,000 BTU's

Working on popping out that color with these actions from Jinky.
Not really keen on the cropping of the second. Went in a little too close on the shot itself unfortunately. But compare the color to the one in the previous post.

I'm also loving her photography forum.

Three fantastic fellas are here yesterday and today...installing the AC.
Three of the truly most fun guys. What a great experience. It was truly a pleasure having them in our home. And geez what a tough job they have.

Sacrificed rosemary bushes for the sake of cool.
Boy that guy is huge. 85,000 BTU's baby.
Worth it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

::leila already has my southern drawl::

I can't get enough of this super fun kit by Emily Powers found at the Sweet Dreams Shoppe.
I heard from the grapevine that they will be having some really cool challenges coming up really soon. I don't want to miss it! Join me for some creative indulgences! Yum.

If all goes as planned, we have spent the last weekend with out air conditioning in this house. Yes, I'm harping on this but after a few weeks at 90+ without coolness, I'm allowing myself a wee gripe. Two days. Yippee.

Great fun on Saturday with a few friends celebrating Leila's first. A second party with the family to come the last part of August when we take our trip.

When I say "bye" and hang up the phone Leila now repeats with "by" (no "e" so it sounds southern). She says "ap" for apple and "ba" for ball.

We had Luke's clinic today. He has mastered object permenance. Which is really a good thing.

I kinda like this travel gear shop here.

Check our these faces around us.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

::a blink, and she's one::

Dearest Leila ~
I held you for the first time it seems only moments ago, now it's your first birthday.

When we found out we were going to have another baby we were thrilled. I couldn't wait to tell your Daddy. I handed him some little baby socks and said, "We'll be needing these again soon." He cried because he was so happy. When we found out you were a girl, we were a little worried. I was used to your brother and thought I might not know what to do with a girl. As soon as I met you though, I was in love and all the worry disapeared.

At two days you were almost holding your head up. Your doctor was astonished and said, "You got yourself a real tiger." You are quite a bit more dramatic than Luke and cry much more. I think mainly it's because you're a girl and we tend to make a little more noise.

Since I couldn't bear to hear you cry I didn't leave you with anyone until you were 11 months old. I would stay in the nursery until I knew you were comfortable and then I would say goodbye and go. It took you a few trys but now you do pretty well.

Everyday you bring me a new joy. I'm amazed at all the things you do and how fast you learn. Your first word was "flower".
You've said "mama""dada", "up", "bye" and you repeat the letters "m" "a" and "o".
You do a precious little dance when you hear music. Your hips sway from side to side.
You are already starting to imatate eating with a fork.
You point and "comment" on things that interest you.
You wave bye-bye.
You know how to find your head.

I love your precious chubby cheeks.
You have a beautiful olive skin tone and honey colored hair.
Your eyes are a deep aquamarine but sometimes almost look green.
You have seven teeth.

You are a good eater but especially love yogurt, orange juice popsicles, feta cheese, wheat bread and avacado.
You love to get into drawers (especially my make-up drawer) and cabinets and you are in the habit of thowing things off your highchair tray to see where they land.
You take Luke's glasses off constantly and love to turn the TV on and off.

You know we're home when we pull into the driveway. You usually give out a little shreek of joy.

I have been so fortunate to be able to stay home with you and Luke and see your changes each and everyday. I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.

I was reminded all over again that real live miracles do happen. I have two miracles. I am so blessed Leila. I look forward to our adventures, sharing, shopping, learning, make-over parties, heart-to-heart talks and cherishing your dreams. For now I want to hold on to every dear and precious moment I have with you.

Happy Birthday

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


We ordered this .
The speech therapist we had a consult with yesterday told us this kit was her method.
Her sessions are $120 an hour (upfront). Luke would need at least one session a week. (That's almost $500 a month.) This kit was $174, free shipping.
No price tag can be put on Luke's speech, this is true, but what makes more sense?

I think Rob and I both maxed 20 minutes sleep total last night. Then Luke's first session was cancelled. Starbucks was called in to push me through the required 7 hours of double toddler entertaining.

Check out these fun rings from Anthropologie. But what do they have that isn't fun?
I like the Marjorie Cocktail Ring.

Technology wow of the day: here.

Got my first memory (scrap) book "commission" today! Yeah!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

::experimenting with light::

A few pics of the day.

Discovery Channel Store is having a sizzling DVD sale.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I just viewed this. Someday we'll all be whole and in His beautiful presence.

Monday, July 17, 2006

::rock harbor::

Layout using elements by the amazing Jessica Sprague.
Leila at 3 months.

We went here on Sunday. Not your grandma's church, I assure you.
But they are making a difference. Which might be cool to be a part of.

If you're into Liz, here's a sale.

Drinkable collagen?
I would say this qualifies as decidedly ungraceful. Yipes.

Even though everyone who has lived in our house since the 20s has done without AC somehow, I am unashamed to say it will be installed on July 27th . The portable AC is being relegated to the guest house (yes, after only a few weeks) as we gear up for the real thing, central. Temperatures of 95+ make you do crazy things. We're believing and hoping we'll see the return with the sale of the house. But even if we don't, it's better than all of us dying of heat exhaustion.

  • Learning about my camera. (Thinking perhaps after two years of saying, "I can't take photos worth a durn", it's time.);
  • Reading Mind Over Mood. Cognitive therapy.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

::saturday miscellany::

Here's a layout using my toybox collection.

Sale update:
Didn't make out so hot.
Grabbed a little for everyone including a much-needed suit for Rob at $400 less than original price! But never having tried a Hugo Boss suit on before, we found out he isn't a universal 40Long after all.

Changed my mind on nearly all the children's clothes after getting them home and the three dresses I picked up for myself...too...well, form fitting. So it was a bust, which is a good thing in the end. Less money spent and I satisfied my curiosity. The best of both worlds.

Of course I didn't come away completely empty handed (it was a sale after all). The two things I did think worth keeping included a basic white ribbed Caslon tee (love the fit and feel of all thier pieces) and a Halogen hoodie in that aqua/turquoise color that's everywhere that we'll all be sick of soon but nontheless is fun right now to mix with white in the summer or brown in the fall/winter.

So I'll revise the above. I made out pretty good really.

I've been thinkin a little about "free" thanks to an inspiring post by Cheryl.

I've been thinking also of investing a little into making my photography better. Saw this.
And I love Bryan Peterson's photography.

Luke was given an additional 15 hours by the Regional Center bringing his total to 40 hours of therapy a week. Seems like a huge amount for most parents to comprehend but we've gotten used to being seen as unconventional. For a child whose virtual every waking moment should be filled with interaction, this is a true answer to prayer.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sale day. Tomorrow!

Looking forward to this too.

Tomorrow is also Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A. But is dressing up from head to toe with cow spots really worth a free combo? Just wonderin.

More of a Target gal myself but you can get free samples from Walmart if you want. Just sayin.

This one is for my sister who is having a...
BOY!!!! Now we'll each have a "pair". : )
So Ang, check out 70% off maternity clothes at

Here's my first digital kit attempt...

Monday, July 10, 2006

::watermelon whimsy::

I love this Watermelon Whimsy kit by Angela Powers, Emily Powers and Lori Barnhurst of Sweet Dreams Shoppe.

I heard one of my children say "Mama" for the first time in context today. She was of course protesting being in her highchair but it was still so sweet I thought I would cry.

We're working on getting Leilas' British passport. Luke has his and this will give them both the option of working and going to school anywhere in Europe if they choose. Of course mama will be following right along with her backpack in tow. I can't fathom the idea of my children leaving. I know it is inevitable and it's what you really what because it's best but ...anyway...that's a long way off.

Now on to a more weighty subject...

How bad is it when you pay money to hire a babysitter so you can go to a sale?

Friday, July 07, 2006

::relax, it's just dirt::

I believe there is a time in every mother's life when she realizes she's just going to have to let go and...

let the children get dirty.

That was today for me.
I'm not a clean freak by ANY standards but the dirt on Luke's clothes was more laundry for me and who wants that?

But memories and boyhood won today... and rightly so.

And there's always Oxyclean.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

::battle stage::

Even though Luke is 3 1/2, he is essentially entering into his terrible twos, because of his delays. Everything is a battle!!

Our fourth was really fantastic other than the fact that we tried to go to the beach and discovered Luke will absolutely have no part. The waves completely freak him out. It's hard to tell what is going to have that effect on him. He used to love the waves. Now: panic. Poor little guy.

I also made the mistake of making a sugery dessert for dinner - I thought the kids might like a little treat -- Luke was hyper until 9! Like bouncy of the walls hyper!! He usually goes to bed at 6:30 or 7.

We haven't had cable in so long (just hooked it up for the World Cup) and I'm discovering shows I never knew anything about. I kind of think According to Jim is cute. What are your favorites?

I'm usually on the computer at night with Rob watching his shows.

Leila loves Elvis. Music in general. She can point to her head and said the word "up" today.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

::summer sweetness::

I'm not entirely sure of this mama. And what's the deal with this hat?

There, that's a little better.

Sweet summer backyard grubbiness.

A little exploration and thinking time.


My sunshine. This is where it all happens folks. In the background there is the computer I write to you from each day.

Keeping our cool in the heat.

Two malls in one day to beat the heat.
Bought stuff of course.
Including an AC...
so we don't have to go to the mall to beat the heat.
And buy stuff.

Video + bogging = vlogging!
Thanks to Verdi and Ryanne of Freevlog I know how and I know how to do it free!